Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Tattooist

(see also: the tattooist, the tatooist, the comebacks, the.tattooist, ). Why???? El Reg' claims that a hardcore 'Boca Juniors' (an Argentinian football team) fan went to have his teams crest tattooed the.tattooist his back in Buenos ...

dana minor


Friday, January 11, 2008

Real ID Security

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Friday plans to take the next step in getting its controversial Real ID plan off the ground, despite opposition from numerous states and privacy groups.

DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff

(Credit: U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

At a midday press conference in Washington, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is scheduled to take the wraps off final regulations for the electronic identification card mandate and to make another pitch for the scheme's perceived importance in keeping Americans safe from terrorist threats.

The new rules, which are a few months behind schedule, are supposed to build on a draft version released last March for public comment.

Chertoff himself has been mum on the details ahead of his public appearance Friday. But according to anonymous sources cited by the Associated Press and the Washington Post, the department has made at least one significant change to its earlier plans: pushing back the deadlines by which the new identification cards will be required to board airplanes and enter federal buildings.

Before, Homeland Security had envisioned requiring the IDs to be in place starting on May 11, 2008--and no later than 2013--unless states had applied for an extension.

But under the new rules, Americans won't be expected to present Real-ID compliant identification cards until 2014. Even then, the mandate will apply only to Americans younger than 50 at the time, in an apparent effort to give some disgruntled state motor vehicle departments more time to issue the licenses. The requirements would be broadened to all Americans by 2017.

"We've worked very closely with the states, in terms of developing a plan that I think will be quite inexpensive, reasonable to implement, and produce the results that...are a part of the core recommendation of the 9/11 commission, which is secure identification when driver's licenses are presented," Chertoff said Thursday, according to a transcript of his remarks, at a meeting of departmental advisers.

Largely because of the pricetag, seventeen states have already enacted legislation rejecting the Real ID requirements, which Congress passed as part of an emergency spending bill in 2005, and several others were considering such a step, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, one of the most prominent voices against the plan. But according to the AP and the Post, federal officials have somehow devised a way to reduce the expected $14 billion costs to states to $3.9 billion under the revised rules.

It's unclear how the department plans to assuage security and privacy concerns about the cards, including whether data encoded on their two-dimensional bar codes will be encrypted to guard against misuse. The AP reported that states will have a "menu" of security options from which to choose but will not be required to embed "microchips"--ostensibly a reference to radio-frequency identification technology which, depending on the type, could be read either from a distance or close-up.

Check back with CNET later on Friday for more about the new rules--and, of course, what states and privacy groups have to say about them.

Christopher Bowman died

The former U.S. figure skating champion Christopher Bowman, died Thursday of a drug overdose. He was found dead in a Los Angeles area motel. See a picture,video and read more below!

christopher bowman dies in hotel

Christopher Bowman Dies Of Drug Overdose

Christopher Bowman was born March 1967 in Hollywood, California. He was a two-time U.S. national champion and two-time World medalist at the World Figure Skating Championships. He appeared in the TV series “Little House on the Prairie” for one season and was in dozens of TV commercials. Bowman, who coached figure skating at several Detroit area clubs, moved back to California in February 2007. Bowman and his ex-wife, Annette Bowman, have a daughter.

Bowman was pronounced dead at 12:06 p.m., said Coroner’s Lt. Joe Bale, who wasn’t immediately able to provide more details about the possible drug overdose. Bowman’s body was found at a motel in the North Hills section of Los Angeles, and an autopsy was planned for this weekend, Bale said.

Bowman was indeed troubled. He admitted to having a cocaine habit during his career, and he checked into the Betty Ford Center before the 1988 Olympic Games. Recently he had returned to acting and had a role as an assistant coach in the upcoming movie “Down and Distance” .

See a video after the jump!


Thursday, January 10, 2008

What is ptochocracy: Government by the poor?

When I typed the word “ptochocracy” in MS word there was a red line under it indicating that no such word exists in dictionary. So, the next thing that I looked for is in Google. Well, I got interested about ptochocracy after seeing it in Google trend. I had no idea about the word and I searched in Google news if anything has happened related to ptochocracy. I was disappointed to find nothing and then turned to Google web search for the word. Wikipedia told me, “There is no page titled "Ptochocracy".” So, you can understand my frustration.

According to Urban Dictionary, “ptochocracy- Government by the poor.”

Wonder of Words said similar thing, “I love this word, and what it means: a government by beggars. From the Greek word ptochos, a beggar, and kratos, power.”

In a blog, I found this:

Remarked on the. A to we ptochocracy, from the northeast one. Regulations that will ptochocracy- tougher penalties for stick- suffix flashportal, told tv critics break. The sidewalk and ptochocracy- and other benefits experience. European central bank ptochocracy, their marriage was base To consider some ptochocracy, drop flashportal, remains of its broad. You put boys ptochocracy, the naacp is drink. Wait until he ptochocracy, gregg r n.h toward. Was in march ptochocracy, the british as figure, close flashportal, gist on iraq bone. Who would do ptochocracy.

Frankly, this thing did not make any sense to me. Do you know anything more than me? Do you have any idea why so many people are searching about this word in Google now?

Google Trends: ptochocracy

“Related searches:

ptocracy, soren kierkegaard, kierkegaard, bioetyka, oligarchy”


Review: The Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet -

Created by Dr. Roni DeLuz, a naturopathic doctor, registered nurse and owner of the Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat, the program is essentially another liquid diet. Each day, dieters are only allowed to consume about 40 to 48 ounces of water, 32 to 40 ounces of herbal tea, 16 ounces of soup made from veggies and 32 ounces of either a green drink (made from powder), vegetable juice or a berry drink. Though the plan is careful to mix certain veggies and fruits together to create a good mix of vitamins and minerals, it's lacking in many of the things that most nutritionists know are crucial for optimal health, including protein, essential fatty acids and fiber.

Another problem? Both exercise physiologists and nutritionists have found many of the claims in the book to be grossly misrepresented. For example, the author claims the diet can help improve -- and perhaps even heal -- some chronic health conditions such as diabetes, but there is no evidence to support that. Another claim the diet makes is that by liquefying your foods, your digestive system is able to spend more energy repairing and rebuilding itself then breaking down food. This is inaccurate. Your stomach, gall bladder, liver and both the small and large intestines are still very much awake breaking down your foods even further, no matter how much you liquefy them.

Another major red flag comes in the book's trouble shooting guide where dieters who are dissatisfied with their weight loss are told one explanation could be that "the weight of the fat they are shedding is offset by increasing muscle mass." Experts found this theory inaccurate and virtually impossible, since building muscle requires two things -- adequate amounts of protein eaten and some form of resistance training, such as weight training. The diet not only has trace amounts of protein at best, but doesn't encourage any form of exercise that adequately builds muscle. In fact, experts say that a good portion of weight you may lose is most likely muscle tissue being used for energy in the absence of adequate calories. The diet even stresses that it's important to discontinue using it after 21 days, because "most people will require more protein and essential fatty acids."

The diet also relies on many supplements and services that leave most doctors and nutritionists shaking their heads in disbelief. (In fact, the book even instructs you on how to explain the concept of detoxing to your doctor, since they'll most likely be alarmed when you tell them what you're about to do.) Some of the treatments the program recommends are so outrageous they bring into question the validity of the program itself, such as having lymph drainage massages, cellulite treatments, a liver flush and even spending up to an hour a day on a "Chi machine" -- a device that swings your legs back and forth to improve the flow of your "life force." It even suggests that jumping on a trampoline three times a week detoxifies your lymphatic system and purges fluid from it, causing you to lose weight.

Is the diet healthy?

No. Dieters following the 21-day plan are not allowed to eat adequate amounts of protein fiber and healthy fats.

What do the experts say?

"The biggest issue with the plan is the lack of credible evidence to substantiate the health-based claims the diet makes," says Marisa Moore, R.D., L.D., spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. Another concern: "Any weight loss that dieters experience is most likely due to losing excess water, losing muscle tissue and eating fewer calories," she says, "Once the detox is over, most dieters would simply go back to how they were originally eating and put the weight right back on again -- minus as much muscle."

The diet is also just nutritionally unsound: "It's deficient in both protein and fats. Protein is essential for maintaining lean muscle tissue and promoting healthier skin, while healthy fats are essential to promote good health, as well as transport fat-soluble vitamins, such as Vitamins A, D, E and K," says Moore.

Finally, experts have issues with the entire notion of needing to "cleanse your body" in the first place. "It's important to know that, in general, dieters don't need to go on a detox diet," says Moore. "The liver and kidneys take care of that function for you." Instead, experts say that if you haven't been following the best eating plan all year and want to detox and lose weight, drinking more water and eating plenty of hydrating fruits and vegetables is essential, "but so is eating a balanced diet and getting plenty of exercise," says Moore -- two factors that are sorely missing from the Martha's Vineyard Diet.

Who should consider the diet?

No one looking for "real" results, that is, losing fat as opposed to sacrificing lean muscle tissue and water weight that you'll just pack on once the diet is over.

Bottom Line

Take the Cabbage Soup Diet, substitute cabbage with a variety of other veggies and fruits, then throw in an uncomfortable enema and you have the Martha's Vineyard Diet. Basically, this diet that takes one component of eating healthier -- in this case, juicing plenty of fruits and veggies for their vitamins and minerals -- and tries to base an entire weight loss plan around it. Skipping this quick fix and opting to exercise more and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet will take more than 21 days, but the results will be far more effective -- and lasting.

The world's cheapest car : 2500$ - Tata Nano

Tata Motors on Thursday launched the eagerly awaited car and christened it Tata Nano.

The Rs one lakh car is the world's cheapest mass-produced car from the indian car company.

The features of the car are:

- The Standard Variant of the Car has a dealer price of rupees one lakh (US $2500) (Transport costs and Value-Added Taxes exclusive)
-A four-door car that can seat four-five passengers.
-As compared to Maruti 800, it is 8% smaller on the outside but on the inside it provides 21%more leg space than the Maruti 800.
-It conforms to all the Emission standards as well as the Offset and Side Crash norms followed internationally.
-It is also compliant with the Bharat 3 norm and the Euro 4 norm with respect to keeping pollution at bay.
- A 33-bhp car with a 624 cc engine.
-It will provide a mileage of 23 km/litre.
- The Nano Car will have two variants - a Standard as well as a Deluxe (Air Conditioned) versions.
- There is no power steering in the car.

Personalities told:

Andreas Prinz (Volkswagen Group Sales India Managing Director): "The Rs one lakh car is a good decision and a good intention, but as far as Volkswagen is concerned producing a Rs one lakh car is a pure no because meeting the quality standards and safety is not feasible at all in such a model..." Echoing similar attitudes, General Motors President and Managing Director Karl Slym said: "Every car has its own buyers and I am sure this car would also have its set of customers, but this segment does not excite us."

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