Saturday, May 24, 2008

Project Compassion

Project Compassion is a non-profit group dedicated to painting portraits of every fallen soldier since September 11, 2001. (Courtesy Project Compassion)

This Memorial Day weekend, a story about gifts to the family members of fallen soldiers from a non-profit service has emerged. Project Compassion is "a nonprofit organization dedicated to painting every American military service member who has died on active duty since the September 11, 2001, attacks."

The founder, an artist by the name of Kaziah Hancock, has dedicated herself to this project since 2003 and so far, the organization has given greiving families over 1,000 portraits, free of charge.

"As sobering as these milestones are, for Project Compassion our 1,000th hero portrait represents 1,000 thank yous on behalf of all Americans," said Marie Woolf, CEO and executive director of Project Compassion. "A thousand times so far, we at Project Compassion have proven that even as war is the most destructive force we presently know, love is the most quietly creative force we know—and for us, that means healing through art."

Hancock's first portrait was inspired by a radio program about a soldier from her home state of Utah who had just been killed. She contacted the family and asked if she could paint his portrait.

"…Just from one American to another. Just to say 'I love you guys, you're beautiful and here's something to honor your precious son,' " Hancock said.

From there, Hancock found that she couldn't stop painting, and committed herself to painting the portrait of every fallen soldier.


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